Python in Real World

Python in Real World

Features of Python

Python is a  popular coding language. It is a simple and powerful language. Python unknowingly plays a big role in our daily lives. Yes, we all daily use YouTube, Instagram, Google, and so on. These applications all are developed by Python. Several social apps developed by Python are...
  • YouTube
  • simplepycoder.applicationsofpython
  • Instagram
  • Reddit
  • Spotify
  • Dropbox
  • Quora   


 YouTube is a very familiar application for all Android users. YouTube is a website that allows users to upload videos that can then be viewed by many others. Initially, YouTube was developed in PHP, it was replaced by Python in the months following its launch.
The entire site of YouTube uses Python for different purposes like view videos, control templates for websites, administer videos, access canonical data, and many more. Every time we watch a video on YouTube we execute a Python program.


                    Google has a very open development environment with various service APIs. Google was supported java, javaScript, C++, Python, Go, Sawzall, and probably a few other languages. But Python is recognized as an official language at Google. Google App Engine is an obvious sample of Python written application, It allows building web applications with Python programming language, using its rich collection of libraries, tools, and frameworks.


                    Instagram was developed by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in San Francisco. It becomes everyone's favorite social media channel. The whole of this amazing platform is written entirely in Python. Instagram is allowed to contribute code in Django. Django is a web framework that helps to develop websites faster and easier.


                    Reddit is a social news platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content that other users have submitted. Reddit was initially written in Common Lisp but was rewritten in Python in December 2005. For broad access to code libraries and greater development flexibility. The web server uses Python to translate the request from the client. because of its speed, the Reddit application is developed in Python.


                    Spotify is a digital music, podcast, and video streaming service application that gives you access to millions of songs and other content from artists all over the world. In Spotify, Python is used in backend services and in data analysis. The Python module, Luigi is used in Spotify. It allows to power the Radio and discovers features as well as the recommendations for people to follow.


                    Dropbox is the most popular cloud storage system on the market. It runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS operating systems. Dropbox uses Python for its functionality because of its syntax simplicity. Drew Houston, the co-founder of Dropbox, considers Python one of his favorite languages due to its simplicity, flexibility, and elegance.


                    Quora is an American question and answer website. It is written in Python and C++. Quora is used in Python because of its readability and efficiency, simple syntax makes it best suited for prototyping. The use of Python also allowed designers, data analysts, and non-engineers to write code for Quora whenever the need arose.

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