Features of Python

Features of Python

        Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programing language. Created by Guido Van Rossum first released in 1991. It's a lot of features that are liked by developers, they are...


Free and Open Source

                    Python is an example of a FLOSS(Free Libre and Open Source Software). We will freely download and install the Python language. This is one of the explanations why Python is so good.


                    Python is maybe a simple and minimalistic language. It simply looks like English. Python has an extraordinarily very simple syntax. Python's ASCII text file is easy to maintain.


                    If we'd like a critical piece of code to run in on time or want to possess some piece of the algorithm to not be open, we will easily code that a part of the program in other languages like C or C++ then use it from your python program.


                   All programming languages have Scripting mode. But python has another different mode called interactive mode. The interactive mode languages act as a sort of shell, which allows interactive testing and debugging of snippets of code.


                    Python can run on a good sort of hardware platform and has an equivalent interface on all platforms. Portable Python is may be a distribution of the Python programing language which will be run without installing it.

Extensive Libraries

                    Python may be a very big ocean of Standard Libraries. It can help us to varied things involving regular expressions, documentation, browsers, CGI, FTP, Email, XML, XML-RPC, HTML, WAV, Files, Cryptography, GUI, and other systems dependent stuff.
important extension libraries of python

GUI Programming

                    Python features a huge number of GUI frameworks or toolkits. It is often created and ported to several System calls, Libraries, and Windows Systems, like MFC. Macintosh and therefore the X Window system of Unix


                    Python supports Procedural-Oriented Programming also as Object-Oriented Programming. This is often one of the features of python has a very powerful but simplistic way of doing OOP, especially in comparison to big languages like C++ or java.


                    We will embed python within other languages like C, C++, or java. There are many various compilers for this, they are...
Cython: Cython may be a static compiler. It helps us to mix Python and C.
Jython: Jython is employed to combine Python and Java. It allows us to write down programs in      python and compile them to java bytecodes that run directly on a JVM
IronPython: It is employed to combine. Net framework with Python

Dynamically Typed

                    Python is a dynamically typed language. Many other high-level languages like C, C++, and Java are static. In statically typed languages, we should always declare a variable with its datatype. But in dynamically typed languages like Python doesn't require this. It's is an extraordinary feature of python.

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